Course Update Policy For CPE Webinars

Course Update Policy for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Webinars 

Purpose This policy outlines the procedures for updating Continuing Professional Education (CPE) webinars hosted by CKH Consulting, LLC. It ensures that all course materials are current, accurate, and effectively designed in compliance with CPE standards. 

Scope This course update policy applies to all CPE webinars offered by CKH Consulting, LLC. 

Policy Statement CKH Consulting, LLC is committed to providing high-quality educational experiences. All CPE courses must contain the most recent publication, revision, or review date. This policy ensures that courses are revised promptly following changes to relevant codes, laws, rulings, decisions, interpretations, and other significant updates. 

Course Update Conditions 

1. Frequent Changes: 

    • Courses in subjects that undergo frequent changes must be reviewed by an individual with subject matter expertise at least once a year to verify the currency of the content. 

2. Other Courses: 

    • Courses that do not undergo frequent changes must be reviewed at least every two years. 

3. Event-Based Programs: 

    • For group live and group internet-based programs, the revision or review date is the date of the event. 

Revision Process 

1. Monitoring Changes: 

    • CKH Consulting, LLC will continuously monitor changes to relevant codes, laws, rulings, decisions, and interpretations that may affect course content. 
    • Subject matter experts will be responsible for identifying and reporting any necessary updates. 

2. Course Review: 

    • Courses will be reviewed by a qualified individual with subject matter expertise to ensure that the content remains current and accurate. 
    • Reviews will be documented, and the most recent publication, revision, or review date will be recorded in the course documentation. 

3. Implementation of Updates: 

    • Once a need for revision is identified, updates will be made as soon as feasible to ensure that the course materials reflect the most recent information. 
    • Updated course materials will be reviewed and approved by the subject matter expert before being published. 

Documentation Requirements 

    • All course documentation must include the most recent publication, revision, or review date. 
    • Records of reviews and revisions will be maintained to ensure compliance with CPE standards. 


    • CKH Consulting, LLC will ensure that all courses meet the CPE Standards Reference: Standard No. 4, which requires that program sponsors employ activities, materials, and delivery systems that are current, accurate, and effectively designed. 

Review and Amendments CKH Consulting, LLC reserves the right to review and amend this course update policy periodically. Changes will be communicated to participants through our official website and via email. 

For any questions or concerns regarding this course update policy, please contact Nick Catrakilis at [email protected] or +1 (770) 495-9077, ext. 1225 

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